Partner With Us!

Whether you run traditional display ads, host your own column, or sponsor special, themed content, you are delivering a number of very important messages about your business. The most obvious one spells out what you offer in terms of goods and/or services. When written and designed well, an ad can also reveal a great deal about your company’s vision, mission, and values. However, one of the most important messages you are broadcasting by marketing your business in the Northeast Journal is your commitment to YOUR community. The Northeast Journal is distributed bi-monthly to homes throughout the Old Northeast, Snell Isle, Venetian Isles, and Crescent Heights/Lake neighborhoods. This highly desirable target audience loves reading about their neighbors doing good things in and for the community. By aligning your marketing message in this feel-good, community-building publication, you are getting into the hearts and minds of these readers and making a positive and lasting impression! You can’t ask for better branding than that!  

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Contact us for more details on how to bring good news to your neighbors…while doing good business!
